Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy new year

So right now Ive had a few. So? It's 3014 now and I don't know what's gonna happen this year. If I knew that would me me a rich man, I suppose. 

Happy new year. 

Sunday, December 29, 2013


Right, so many, many things happened since I last wrote here.  Like, you know, Christmas.  That was a good one.  We did the traditional way of opening presents while family from far away lands (Like Michigan) got to watch on video.  I had my parents on FaceTime and Bethany had her mom on Skype.  I didn't get to take many pictures because of this, and that's okay, I remember it pretty clearly.  Santa was good to the kids this year, and rough on Santa's bank account.  It's been a tough go financially but it's the holidays, and I'm not going to discuss that shit because that's not what this is about.  

Evie was really excited about the whole thing, and perhaps a little overwhelmed.  Not too bad, but she had a hard time napping for the next couple days because of all the amazing new toys.  I loved the fact that when a present was clothes, she didn't care like a real kid!  I laughed.  

A lot of last week was just playing with the new toys.  She got a doll house and a farm thing and she just loves them so much.  She seems sort of unimpressed by her new balance bike but I think that might change once we take her outside to play with it.  

Coming up this week is New Years, and I love New Years eve because I can probably drink bubbly.  I love bubbly.  

Okay, well I don't know what else to write about.  Here's some pics

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Preds Game/Tornado Warning!

So a couple of weeks ago, I answered a Preds Pride trivia question from the Nashville Predators email blast, because the prize was either a "Preds prize pack" or tickets to a game.

Saturday, December 21, 2013


Welcome to the Minig Joural.  Many of you may be confused on many levels as to what the hell is going on right now.  Basically, Bloggerated sort of died.  I let it die, not because I wanted to, I definitely didn't want it to die.  I sort of accidentally let the custom URL expire and I can't seen to get it back easily, and now I don't care.  So now I'm going a different route.  I'm starting a new blog, but a different format.  I'm doing this as a personal journal that is open to the public.  Would you like to read my personal journal?  Now you can.

Here in this new space, I'm going to actually talk about the goings on in my life.  Stuff like what I did with the kids, where we went, what we experienced.  What life is like as a 30 year old father of two and husband of a wonderful, hard-working woman I call my lovely wife.  We have a decent life, a quiet, broke-ass life, where nothing much happens, but we try to make each day special in some way.  I know there are a lot of memories that are made each day, and I want to chronicle them.  That's what this space is for.  I might not try to be a funny blogger like before.  One post might just be a series of pictures or maybe a video or two? A post may just be a quick wrap-up of some of the highlights of the past few days.  I don't know how detailed I'll get, but this is more for me than anything.  I invite you to follow along and enjoy.  I struggle with sharing my life in detail with others because I feel like "who cares?" Oversharing is a real problem in today's society, so why contribute to the problem? But you know what, I don't care who cares.  I care.  It's my life and I want to write it down.  So that's what I'm going to do, damn it.

Now, onto the question of the blog name. When I was a kid, I used to deliver newspapers for the Mining Journal when I was growing up in the U.P.  Every month, I had to go to each house on my route and collect everybody's payment for their subscription.  I got to keep a chunk and had to give the rest to my route manager guy.  I remember this transaction with the route manager guy always being sort of a weird thing where I would keep the cash and give him the checks...it all seems really shady in retrospect.  Anyway, I remember very clearly this one time, I was collecting and I came to this one guys house and he paid me by check.  He made out the check to "the Minig Joural."  Pretty sure he was drunk.  He looked like a drunk guy.  Anyway, that event always stuck with me, and I often refer to the Mining Journal as the Minig Joural as a sort of an inside joke to myself.  When I thought about starting a blog in journal form, the words Minig Joural just popped in there, and I went with it.  Pretty stupid, I know.  I'm also hoping to get hits from people who make that man's spelling mistake, looking for the mining journal website and end up here.  All one person, maybe one time.  But probably not.

So that's the deal, my dear.  I'm doing this now, I guess.  Enjoy reading!  Or don't! Either way, I'm going to do this.  Have a happy holidays.